All facets of your glasses will be discussed during your visit to our store. Upon your arrival, we will make an inventory of what your viewing needs are. We will go through all viewing goals and during an extensive eye measurement, we will determine what strengths the eyes need.
Depending on the measured strengths and then the frame choice, we will discuss which material we are going to have the glasses made of and which anti-reflective layer we will place on it.
You can opt for photochromic lenses or a separate pair of prescription sunglasses.
Can we do everything with one pair of glasses or are there specific viewing objectives that we require an extra set of spectacles? Consider, for example, computer glasses. Of course, it is possible to see all distances clearly with multifocal glasses, but separate computer glasses are much more comfortable to get through a working day of 8 hours completely relaxed and with clear vision. We jokingly compare it to playing sports. You can play tennis well with “normal” shoes, but with special tennis shoes, it is much more comfortable to play an entire game!
For our lenses, we work together with the Japanese manufacturer HOYA. They are the most innovative in their glass designs and certainly also in the hardness and quality of the coatings.
Measuring your optical center is crucial for the grinding of the lenses. Thanks to HOYA, we have recently started working with the Visureal Master to be able to record this in the most accurate way.
The new Visureal Master centering system from HOYA uses a revolutionary set-up with six cameras that automatically takes multiple photos of you. These serve as the basis for determining all relevant centering data with extreme accuracy and since the data is calculated fully automatic, the system offers optimal results.